Here are the thumbnail-sized pictures. Click on a picture to see
the full image. (Beware, they may take some time to download over a slow

Photo of single
cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning strike. This is a classic lightning

Photo of a dual channel
cloud-to-ground lightning strike. Both channels originated from a single
charge source high in the cloud.

Photo of a rare triple
channel cloud-to-ground lightning strike. This is not a multiple
exposure. The next photo shows an example of a multiple exposure shot.

A multiple
exposure photograph. There are actually three distinct lightning strikes.
Note that two of the strikes have multiple channels.

A single
"return-stroke" photograph. Notice the absence of branches.

Here a lightning
bolt hits a radio tower on top of a mountain. Notice that two separate
channels were "attracted" by the tower. This is a good example of why you
should stay away from tall metal objects in a lightning storm!

This photograph
was taken from inside a moving Chevy van. The "streak" nature of the
photograph illustrates that lightning actually contains many
"return strokes" in which the lightning hits the ground multiple times.

Photo by Sam Walton for UPI.
An interesting lightning strike near the space shuttle.

Submitted by: Ed Dose
"I took it in the Santa Rita mountains south of Tucson.
I used a Rolleicord w/ 100 speed Fuji transparency film."

Submitted by: Josh Zimmerman
"This was taken in early June 2000 in Illinois."

Submitted by: Mauricio Ardila
"I took this picture in New York City at 1:30 am May 11 2004. It's a shot facing downtown."